Monday, December 22, 2008

Where to start

I am brand new to this idea of blogging and am struggling with what to say. I have so much to say, so many thoughts, but no idea of where to start, and wonder if it really matters, will anyone even read any of this, will it make any difference to myself or anyone else for that matter? I guess that is why I have chosen to start blogging, it is my hope, as unrealistic as it may be, that others will somehow hear me, others of similar ideas, similar hopes and dreams. Anyone see the movie August Rush? I guess you could say I hear "the music" everywhere and if feel that if I follow my heart and do as I feel is right someone will hear me, just like August Rush.

I am a dreamer, I can't help it, I see that change is necessary, and have a difficult time accepting when others may say that it is too hard, or it isn't realistic. I say why? If it is important enough nothing is unrealistic, and nothing is more important than right now and what we choose to do with it.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Tanya and welcome to the blogging world. I just read your comment on "Village on a Diet" over at Weighty Matters and I wanted to tell you how much I agree with your assessment of the show. Very eloquently put.
